The cell invasion problem requires an accurate numerical solution of coupled partial differential equations. The fields (concentration profiles) f(z,t) will depend on one spatial coordinate z and the time t. The spatial coordinates will be restricted to the intervall [0,len], with well-defined boundary conditions at the left and right limits: The current must dissapear outside the intervall.
I will try to solve this problem by discretizing the z-coordinate into a regular grid,
z_k = k\;\Delta z,
and then treating each z_k as a separate dynamical variable. The problem can thereby be mapped onto a set of coupled ordinary differential equations, which are solved with the Runga-Kutta method.
As a simple test and practice case, consider the drift-diffusion equation
\frac{\partial}{\partial t}c(z,t) = - v \frac{\partial}{\partial z}c(z,t) + D \frac{\partial^2}{\partial z^2}c(z,t),
with position- and time-independent diffusion constant D and drift velocity v.
For the following tests, we set the initial distribution c(z,t) equal to a narrow, normalized Gaussian (variance=10), placed at the center of the intervall. The spatial resolution is set to dz=1.
Test 1: Free diffusion in a box
First we set the drift-velocity equal zero. The initial peak should broaden with time. Asymptotically, a flat distribution should develop, while the integral (total particle number) is preserved. The simulation shows the expected behaviour:

Test 2: Diffusion with drift (boundaries far away)
The case of combined diffusion and drift has been compared directly with the analytical solution (solid lines). One expects the center z_c(t) of the Gaussian to move according to
z_c(t) = v\;t
and the variance to grow linearly
\sigma^2(t)=\sigma^2(0)+ 2Dt
The simulation (dashed lines) fits the analytical curves nicely, even for the modest spatial resolution of dz=1:

Test 3: Diffusion with drift against a wall
Finally, we choose a negative drift velocity and wait until the distribution is pushed againts the left wall. We now expect the stationary solution
Again, the simulation (symbols) agrees very well with the analytical solution (solid lines):

As a conclusion, the simple numerical method seems to work as expected. I have also checked that the results do not change significantly when the resolution dz is reduced.
Hello Dr. Metzner.
ReplyDeleteI am a student of Physics at the Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Kolkata.
I have been studying the Smoluchowski convection-diffusion equation for some time and wish to try it out hands on. I have proceeded a bit with a simple finite difference integration scheme which is very coarse.
If you can send me the Runge-Kutta code at abhranil[at]abhranil[dot]net, I can adapt it into python and learn a bit about both the equation and how RK offers advantages. I will be happy to share the results in my own blog and let you know. I do not intend to do any serious work on it, but if I do, I assure you that due credit shall be given for your code.
Thanks a lot!
Deletethanks for your comment. Here is some example code in C++ how to solve a coupled set of ordinary differential equations with Runge-Kutta forward integration:
The example is not diffusion, but two bodies in 3D with gravitational attraction. The central Runge-Kutta routine is called "DoContinuousChanges" in the main program "GMD.cpp".
Have fun,