We consider a simple stochastic process, which produces a time series of values x_k=x(t_k) for discrete time points t_k = k*dt:
where the s_n are sign factors
with equal distribution function
and a powerlaw auto-correlation:
The d_n are positive step widths
with an arbitrary distribution function of finite variance (Gaussian, Exponential, Poisson...)
but without any temporal correlations (white noise):
which means that
We assume there are no cross-correlations between the sign-factors and the step widths:
The velocity of the nth step is
For the auto-correlation function of the velocity we obtain
which can be factorized because the s and d and uncorrelated:
which yields for all m except 0:
This means that the process has powerlaw VAC (and PSD and MSD) for arbitrary step widths distributions.
By using separate processes x_n and y_n of the above kind for the different spatial directions, the method can be generalized to multiple dimensions.
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